Color Your World
Color Analysis is a system that help us discover the most suitable colors for our outfit, accessories and makeup. Color Analysis searches for the precise color to underline our beauty, charm and unique aura and at the same time to make us more attractive and noticeable.
This service is suitable for women, men and children.
– the colors and color combinations that underline your natural beauty and individuality;
– the color family you belong to: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, or an intermediate season;
– you will get your own color palette, which will make your shopping easier;
– you will be guided on your day makeup conformable to your color profile and overall aura;
– you will get to know the most appropriate colors and color combinations for you, as well as your “strong” and “weak” colors;
Questions and Answers
What exactly happens during the Color Analysis?
What is the benefit from the Color Analysis and style consultations?
What do I need for the Color Analysis?
Is it possible that my color type changes over time?
May I have just a Color Analysis, or should I also define my personal style?
Does my color type change if I am tanned?
Are there any universal colors that may be used by everybody?
2. Defining one’s expectations from the consultation and desired changes
3. Facing the mirror for an hour and a half, trying out fabrics of all shades
4. Deciding on the appropriate accessories
5. Your personal colors are now identified
6. Day makeup
7. Ideas for combining your colors
8. Discussing appropriate makeup products
9. Time for questions and practical directions
10. You will receive a free color palette and guidance on your shades
“My experience during the Color Analysis was extremely inspiring and managed to unlock some unsuspected doors to my own perception. I have never imagined the great power of colors when knowing how to use them, after loving them and after they have become a part of me. It is not necessary to wear makeup and get my hair done in order for me to be complemented, but I just need to wear the colors that suit me, the colors that make my face shine and underline my own natural beauty. I am thankful for having such knowledge and I hope that more people will get the chance to experience it!”
Neda Borisova
IT Project Coordinator
Coloriten with Rumyana Peneva
Sofia, 3 Lyutibrod Str.
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